Would you like to get more perfection in your life? There are many folks who are perfectionists already, and those who hope to attain perfection in their future. It is quite obvious by the sports people play and the careers that they choose who is in search of perfection or who is already one with it. Indeed, I'd like to talk about this for a few moments if I might.
As a former athlete, I was in a sport where perfection of efficiency was omnipotent. I was a long-distance runner, and every stride mattered, every meal mattered, and every training session was paramount. The running shoes I wore, and the miles I ran required precision. Of course, running is not the only sport which requires perfection. Olympic swimmers often talk about this, as well as gymnasts, and those that do the high diving routines or figure skating for instance.
Still, perhaps the most difficult sport whether you are a perfectionist or attempting to be would be that of archery. It is a mental game as much as a physical contest. You have to be 100% in it to win it. If you are not one with perfection, then another archer who is will be victorious, and you don't stand a chance. Indeed, archery is one of the oldest sports that we have still around today. And it is perhaps for that reason that perfectionists have throughout the ages come to participate in this most intensive endeavor.
Some believe that today's equipment is so much better that you don't need perfection to be good. I beg to differ with that because as the equipment gets better, those who are completely talented and skilled in this activity get even better themselves. There are far fewer misses at short range, and at long range it is amazing how accurate they can be. The cross bows of today are engineering marvels and the new materials allow for some incredible force and accuracy.
Of course, if you are not in search of perfection, you are not going to make it on the competitive circuit in archery. The top archers are one with perfection from their breathing to the delicate release of their fingertips. Their hands are steady, tried and true. If you are a man in search of perfection, might I suggest the sport of archery to hone your skills, and to understand what it means to be perfect, absolutely perfect. That is what archery is all about, at least to me. Please consider all this and think on it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7429392

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