Cara Upload file ke Hosting

pilih dahulu hosting yang anda suka


10.000 MB disk space
Bandwidth limit 100,000 MB/month.
cPanel control panel, Fantastico.
MySQL 5 Databases Server.
Addon domains.
Web File Manager.
POP3 email, IMAP, WebMail Access (RoundCube, SquirellMail), Mail forwarding.
Custom Cron jobs support.
Customisable Error Pages.
Parked domain names allowed.
Weekly backups.
.htaccess suppo

Web SSH console.
Hotlinking protection.
Free website builder and publisher with profesional web design templates.
ionCube Loaders.
Zend Optimizer.
SpamAssasin Protection.
Password protected directories.
IP address deny Manager.
FreeHosting on Dual Quad Processor Performance Linux Servers.
No Ads and allowed your ads
1500 MB disk space
100.000 Megabytes of bandwidth
5 Add-on Domain
5 Sub Domain
5 E-mail Addres
2 MySQL Database
Simple site builder
FTP Accounts
300 MB disk space
10.000 Megabytes of bandwidth
5 Add-on domains
5 Sub domains
PHP with MySQL databases
PHP Flags manager
FTP account
File manager
Webmail, POP3 email
MYSQL, Php MyAdmin
11.000 Megabytes of space
400.000 Megabytes of bandwidth
100 Ad-on Domain
100 Sub-Domain
No Advertisements, Banners, or Pop-ups
Free FTP, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin
New! Free Website Builder!
5,500 Megabytes of space
200,000 Megabytes of bandwidth
50 Free Add-on / parked domains
50 Free Sub domains
50 Free MySQL databases
.htaccess allowed
Safe mode OFF
Free PHP Sockets & cURL enabled
Free phpMyAdmin
Free PHP 5
Free Slow MySQL query analyzer
Free PHP scripting supported
Free FTP account
Free 24/7/365 Technical support
Free File manager
Free Email accounts
Free RoundCube webmail
Free POP + IMAP email
Free Custom MX records
Free Custom CNAME records
Free Traffic, disk & MySQL statistics
Free Fantastico type installer
Free Network tools
Free video tutorials

saya memakai hosting karena:

* UPDATE: Footer link removed for all accounts!
From now, NAZUKA.NET has new owners & staff. We are trying to improve the quality of this service.
The new features included are:

Disk space (MB)
Data transfer (MB)
Max email accounts
Max FTP Accounts
Max Databases
Max Sub Domains
Max Parked Domains

New more features coming soon!
Thanks for your confidence,

silakan daftar ke hosting favorit anda dan konfirmasi email anda...(biasanya tunggu 30 menit untuk di approve sama admin)

~~~~~tutorial upload file ke hosting:~~~~~~

1.login dulu ke hosting pilihan anda

2. setelah login klik cpanel dan pilih domain yang akan diupload filenya

3. cari "file manager"

4. silakan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

5. sebelang kiri untuk file upload satu persatu, yang kanan untuk upload dalam bentuk .rar atau .zip

silakan cek domain anda...

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