Legend Pacitan City

Some think its name comes from the word Pacitan Pacitan which means snack, the fat, dessert, snacks that are not up to filling. This is due to a deficit areas Pacitan area, so as to meet the food needs of its citizens not to glut; enough (during the reign of Sultan Agung (1613-1645) name has appeared in Momana tripe).

Pacitan City is a city located on the island of Java. Pacitan is a city located in the residency madiun XV century in MyBB has grown Hindu and Buddhist religions are oriented to the kingdom of Majapahit, led by ageng lane ki rivet who reside in District Teak Kebonagung (Drs. Ronggosaputro; 1980)

While Islam brought by Ki Ageng dipacitan Petung (Kyai Siti Geseng) with Sheikh Maulana Maghreb and Kyai Ampok Boyo (Kyai Ageng Posong) assisted Kyai Menaksopal of Psychology.
Some inscriptions are also found ancient Javanese inscriptions that strengthen the assumption that Ki Ageng lane Wengker Keling is ruling the South.







Meaning: first there was a famous warrior named Lane rivet that has reached perfection, the science kebathinan and immunity. A teacher among the wise and he is the pioneer and pemakrarsa surrounding area.
State Buwana located Keling (Jati district. Kebonagung) � 7 km from the capital Pacitan now called the South Wengker area or southern coastal regions.

And when the guerrilla war 1747-1749 (Nagari Palihan War (1746-1755)) against the Dutch VOC, Prince Mangkubumi defeat, he was accompanied by 12 of his followers continued their retreat keselatan while looking for the magic to help support the fight. Dated December 25, 1749 the troupe exhaustion, and the help he was given a drink setroketipo the pace of fruit that has been soaked with the legendary coconuts, and instantly recover strength Mangkubumi Prince. The area was remembered by sapengetan pace and in everyday conversation often abbreviated as pace-tan then becomes for a district name Pacitan               (Drs. Ronggosaputro; 1980)

After Prince Mangkubumi a lane I Hamenku he fulfilled his promise to his followers that when it joined the guerrilla. Setroketipo appointed regent Pacitan to-2 after formerly held by Raden Ngabehi Notoprojo Hero. Raden Ngabehi Hero Notoprojo also previously appointed by the Prince Mangkubumi on January 17, 1750 after he helped Prince Mangkubumi when guerrilla areas MyBB. When it Ngabehi Suromarto served demang Nanggungan and when appointed regent titled Raden Ngabehi Notoprojo Hero.

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