Success Happens For Us Not To Us

Listened to a motivational call today and it made me think...
If you have problems, don't run away from them, life is teaching you lessons. If you didn't have these problems or issues, you would not be able to cope with what other issues or problems comes to you. Life has a way of letting success happen FOR you, provided you take the steps to help yourself succeed.
Where you are, in your life right now? If you focus on the negatives, then more of that will follow. Whatever is happening in your life, is because of what you have been focussing on until now.

Most people don't realise this and continue to moan, or be miserable or focus on the issue, rather than look outside of the issue to see what the lessons you are being taught by life. It is up to you to change things going forward.

You are able to get what you want in life, if you are able to manifest it. To be able to do this you need to have vision and objectives to help you focus. Don't worry about HOW you will get there, just focus on the vision and the objective daily until whatever it is has manifested itself. The law of attraction works, you just have to have blind trusting faith in what ever it is you want that you will achieve this if you focus and believe.
Being grateful for the little things in life, will also help to bring your intention closer to you. Having a mindset of gratitude will make you see life in a more positive and focussed way.

Some people have a way about them, they critique even the smallest things, what they don't realise is the negative vibes they are creating around themselves by doing this. This will only bring more negative vibes. For those that are around these people, if you begin to engage it will also bring you down to their level, and negativity will follow.

Life is far from perfect, so why look for perfection in everything you do? Nature is full of imperfect things, but they still create a vision of beauty.

Send out messages of gratitude daily and you will start to see changes in your life.
Success happens when you have vision and goals and take action to work towards them, success does not happen to us, it is something that is made up of hard work and years of effort.
Success happens FOR those who take action or steps to make it happen

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